Richmond Parks, BBQS and Bylaws
Recent Fire and Life Safety Information | July 23, 2020
Let’s breakdown the bylaw regarding the operation of BBQs and grills in Richmond Parks.
BBQ Safety Tips
Recent Fire and Life Safety Information | July 22, 2020
We don’t need a reason or a season to have a BBQ.
Smoke Detectors and Smoke Alarms both expire, but how do you check?
Recent Fire and Life Safety Information | June 13, 2020
Both Smoke Detectors and Smoke Alarms expire, but how do you check?
Can Hand Sanitizer Spontaneously Combust?
Recent Fire and Life Safety Information | June 10, 2020
As many of you are likely aware, claims that containers of hand sanitizer will catch fire or spontaneously combust if left in a hot vehicle have recently gained attention in traditional and social media.